Friday, December 15, 2006

Transformation and Variability

photo by grassrootsmsw
Oranje Park, Apeldoorn, NL

"A story is created every time interference changes the state of something. In life, like in stories, there is a moment where everything changes. The moment in which nothing is as it was. The precise point where just a short time you were climbing and then suddenly you're moving downward. And so characters, after beginnings we have now arrived at the turning point. Loves. Choices. Departures. Deaths. Catastrophies. Mistakes. Crazy purchases. Sudden decisions. Escapes. Predicaments. Unexpected turns of events. Details that need to be changed. Unexpected forks in the road. We have understood that there is no way to keep things as they are: in the best or worst case they move round so that they come back to the departure point but with a higher odometer..."

P. Fabbri, Semiologist

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