Sunday, October 01, 2006


“If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.”

-Claudia Ghandi-

“Who’s your daddy?”

I am thinking of you today… your birthday. I miss you, beyond what I can put into words. When I long for your presence, I find solace in the beautiful poem that your dear friend, Barry Morrow, wrote the day you left us:

“Late this afternoon, while the world kept on spinning, in a wooden house in a small corner of Santa Barbara, came a blessing. Barry opened his ageless eyes for one last glimpse of his beloved Sheri, then slipped the bounds of time and started his journey back to where he began: to the Imagination. In doing so, he left behind a king's ransom of memories, a smooth forehead upon which to leave kisses, and countless hearts in need of mending.
All in time.

It seems certain that one day science and religion will agree: From the stars we came; to the stars we owe all of life's creation, and from thence we shall return. Because we are Stardust. We are Golden. And we will meet back in the Garden.
All in time.

Dear Hearts and Gentle People, hold close to that which was Barry, and tighter still to that which is Sheri, for she carries upon her slender shoulders, for all of us, a great and abiding sorrow.”

-Barry Morrow/Nov. 9, 2004-

Still waiting for the white horses B…and letting it be…just BE…and only you know why. ‘All in time’, I imagine.

My dearest and most faithful guardian…thank you for having shared in my life and eternally changing it. You tended to wounds with compassion; you nourished the empty spaces; you gently cultivated what felt lost; you unknowingly played a role that was needed and historically malnourished; and you revealed the beauty of unconditional love and trust.

I cradle all the gifts you imparted to me, and I hope to pass them on in my life… always, in honor of you, my dear BAAAZZZER.

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